Stressors of all sorts are abundant in our world today. Whether environmental, relational, work-related, or something else, most people are taking on more than they have energy for. This is leading to burnout, cognitive dysfunction, anxiety, and other chronic symptoms. I hope you will consider implementing these tips into your routines over time to better […]

When pursuing wellness, it’s crucial to understand the unique needs of our bodies. Every individual has a different genetic makeup, lifestyle, and exposure to environmental toxins and stressors, all of which affect their health status. By recognizing these factors, we can tailor wellness approaches to address specific nutritional deficiencies, toxic burdens, and metabolic variations that […]

The sun has gotten a bad rap in recent times, but is the sun really the problem? Generations before us used less sun protection and spent greater amounts of time outdoors being exposed to ultraviolet radiation, yet experienced a lesser risk of developing skin cancer. Why could generations before us handle sunlight (and receive the […]

Here are a few food items that I love incorporating daily to nourish myself and my family. I opt for organic, pasture-raised animal products as often as possible, as well as organic produce to minimize GMOs and pesticide exposure. Enjoy this quick blog with a few of my favorite, most nourishing staples! Raw Milk: You […]

Magnesium is an essential, macro mineral; this means we must obtain magnesium through our diet because our body cannot make it on its own, and we need a relatively large amount every day. Magnesium is necessary for optimal physiological function and plays a key role in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. An important […]

Raw milk seems to be increasing in popularity among many wellness communities, and for good reason! Although this seems like a newly-discovered health food by some, generations before us have been consuming unpasteurized, non-homogenized milk for centuries. When I told my mom about my and my husband’s decision to start consuming raw milk (and other […]