I am a wife to my husband, Ian, and a mama to our sweet babies in heaven with hopefully many more to come earth-side. I am passionate about functional wellness, homemaking, and peaceful, intentional living.

Proof of Wellness, my blog and individual coaching, help you easily access wellness concepts that I wish I had known sooner. When my husband and I started seeing profound changes in our own health, I became confident I could provide information and personal support that would also help others.

I want you to experience proof of wellness in your own life: stable energy, a healthy mind and body, and so much more.

I'm Kaylee Mansfield

When I started college in 2015, I had hopes of entering the medical field in some capacity. Throughout the following three and a half years, there was something that kept me from going that route (even though I loved my biology and anatomy courses). After graduating with my bachelor's degree in business administration, I was still passionate about helping people pursue better health.

Fast forward to February 2020 - my husband and I move to Germany, get locked down indefinitely, and miscarry our first baby. Between having zero job opportunities and continually wondering why my body wasn't able to sustain our first pregnancy, I decided to dive deeper into understanding real wellness.

From there, I discovered functional, holistic nutrition and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

My credentials:

Certified holistic nutritionist
certified nutrition and wellness consultant
certified sports nutritionist
certified weight management consultant
& Certified HTMA Practitioner

"Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind and a tranquil spirit. ​Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness."
-Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu