Foods I Consume Daily as a Holistic Nutritionist

April 17, 2023

Here are a few food items that I love incorporating daily to nourish myself and my family. I opt for organic, pasture-raised animal products as often as possible, as well as organic produce to minimize GMOs and pesticide exposure. Enjoy this quick blog with a few of my favorite, most nourishing staples!

Raw Milk:

You can refer to my raw milk blog for a more thorough explanation of why I love raw milk. I have several servings daily, generally a latte in the morning and some kind of yummy drink at night. Raw, whole milk is a great addition to a meal but can also be a great snack on its own because it has a great balance of macronutrients. One cup, or 240 mL, contains 12 grams of carbs, 9 grams of fat, and 9 grams of protein.


Egg yolks (raw) are a nutrient powerhouse! They actually contain every vitamin except vitamin C plus phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and iron. They’re also a rich source of choline. Choline is an essential nutrient needed to produce acetylcholine which is an essential neurotransmitter for nervous system and brain function.

Eggs have a high anabolic effect meaning that the proteins you’re consuming from the egg are actually turning into muscle tissue or other proteins in the body at a higher percentage than other foods.

Grass-fed Beef Liver:

If you’ve looked into beef liver at all, you’ve probably heard it described as “nature’s multivitamin.” I’ve found adding it into my meals with ground muscle meat is the most palatable. I will also take raw liver “shots” after cutting the liver into small pieces (no chewing necessary!). If neither of these options appeal to you, I recommend desiccated beef liver supplements in capsule form. My family uses Perfect Supplements regularly.

What are some of the key nutrients in grass-fed beef liver?

Vitamin A: Liver is a bioavailable source of vitamin A, or retinol. This nutrient is important for skin, immune, and reproductive health as well as maintaining vision. It is also needed for appropriate function of vitamin D.

B Vitamins: These vitamins are necessary for a wide range of functions in the body including nutrient transportation, normal functioning of the nervous system, and more.

Copper: Copper is necessary for iron metabolism, thus playing a role in synthesizing red blood cells. It also functions as an antioxidant, supports immune function, and helps in the development of connective tissue, bones, and organs.


I either consume bovine or marine collagen in a powder supplement or I eat gelatinous cuts of meats and bone broth daily. Gelatin can also be purchased in powder form and added to recipes as a gelling agent . Collagen and gelatin are helpful for joint support, gut repair, and add another bioavailable protein source to meet your desired daily intake. It also has beauty benefits! You can expect stronger hair, skin, and nails with consistent collagen and/or gelatin consumption alongside a healthy lifestyle.


Every fruit has a different nutritional makeup, but you can almost always be sure that you’re getting easily digestible carbohydrates and antioxidants while consuming fruit, and of course they’re super tasty and diverse! If you’re eating fruits that are local and/or in season, they’ll likely be ripened appropriately and taste sweeter and fresher. Fruits will aid in keeping an appropriate ratio of electrolytes in your body which is important for proper hydration and enzymatic function.

I hope this gave you some inspiration for yummy, nourishing foods to add to your family’s staples! As always, consume what you feel comfortable with and what best supports YOUR family’s needs.

Thanks for reading along!

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