Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Explained

June 13, 2023

When pursuing wellness, it’s crucial to understand the unique needs of our bodies. Every individual has a different genetic makeup, lifestyle, and exposure to environmental toxins and stressors, all of which affect their health status. By recognizing these factors, we can tailor wellness approaches to address specific nutritional deficiencies, toxic burdens, and metabolic variations that impact each person differently. One way I gather the appropriate information about your health status is through Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). HTMA provides valuable insights into mineral imbalances and toxic metal accumulation within the body.

HTMA involves analyzing a small sample of hair (generally from the scalp) to assess mineral levels and detect the presence of toxic elements. This test provides a snapshot of the body’s mineral status over a specific period of time, typically the last 8-12 weeks. It measures both essential minerals (e.g., calcium, magnesium, zinc) and toxic metals (e.g., lead, mercury, arsenic), offering an overview of an individual’s nutritional and toxicological profile.

Disclaimer: HTMA is not a diagnostic test. Your symptoms and analysis may indicate a specific disease or disorder, but giving a diagnosis is not in my scope of practice.

Here’s how HTMA can help me help you:

  1. Identifying mineral imbalances: HTMA can pinpoint deficiencies or excesses in essential minerals, enabling me to tailor nutrition and supplement plans accordingly. Imbalances in minerals can contribute to various health issues, such as weight gain, fatigue, mood disorders, weakened immune function, and more.
  2. Detecting toxic metal exposure: Toxic metals are pervasive in our modern environment and can accumulate in the body, leading to numerous health problems. HTMA identifies the levels of toxic metals in your hair which helps me understand the toxic metal activity in your body and how to best support detoxification. By reducing your toxic metal burden, you can experience improved energy levels, better cognitive function, and much more.
  3. Assessing metabolic activity: HTMA provides insights into metabolic rate and thyroid function. An underactive or overactive thyroid can significantly impact energy levels, weight management, and mood stability.
  4. Uncovering hidden stressors: HTMA offers clues about how the body is responding to stressors, including heavy metal toxicity, nutritional imbalances, and chronic inflammation. By addressing these underlying stressors, we can help you achieve a better state of balance and resilience.
  5. Personalizing health protocols: HTMA allows me to create a biologically-individual protocol based on your unique biochemistry.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis may be right for you if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

-Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

-Trouble losing or gaining weight despite maximum effort

-Hair loss, brittle nails and hair

-Mood disorders

-Chronic fatigue

-Muscle cramps

-Trouble falling or staying asleep

-Poor immune function

-Gastrointestinal distress, constipation

-Acne, eczema, or other skin abnormalities

-Poor libido

-Menstrual irregularities, trouble conceiving, and more

If you’d just like to get a better picture of your metabolic activity and mineral status and understand how to best support yourself, HTMA is also for you!

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions at, and we will decide if HTMA is a good tool for YOU on your personal wellness journey. 🙂 Thanks for reading along!

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